Saturday, September 27, 2008

Missouri Governor Fears Obama Attack on Freedoms

The following comes directly from Missouri Governor Matt Blunt

Gov. Blunt Statement on Obama Campaign’s Abusive Use of Missouri Law Enforcement
JEFFERSON CITY - Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on news reports that have exposed plans by U.S. Senator Barack Obama to use Missouri law enforcement to threaten and intimidate his critics.

“St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, and Obama and the leader of his Missouri campaign Senator Claire McCaskill have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign.

“What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment.

“This abuse of the law for intimidation insults the most sacred principles and ideals of Jefferson. I can think of nothing more offensive to Jefferson’s thinking than using the power of the state to deprive Americans of their civil rights. The only conceivable purpose of Messrs. McCulloch, Obama and the others is to frighten people away from expressing themselves, to chill free and open debate, to suppress support and donations to conservative organizations targeted by this anti-civil rights, to strangle criticism of Mr. Obama, to suppress ads about his support of higher taxes, and to choke out criticism on television, radio, the Internet, blogs, e-mail and daily conversation about the election.

“Barack Obama needs to grow up. Leftist blogs and others in the press constantly say false things about me and my family. Usually, we ignore false and scurrilous accusations because the purveyors have no credibility. When necessary, we refute them. Enlisting Missouri law enforcement to intimidate people and kill free debate is reminiscent of the Sedition Acts - not a free society.”

-This is nothing new for the Obama Campaign...we need to keep our eyes on this.

Understanding The Cause of the Financial Crisis


Link to video -

fact checking the debate

click title for original article
First, let me say that the real debates were from the merchants of spin directly following the debate. Journalism is dead and objectivity died with it, it's almost as if they could skip the damned debates and just let the talking heads fight it out.
OBAMA: "Sen. McCain mentioned Henry Kissinger, who is one of his advisers, who along with five recent secretaries of state just said we should meet with Iran—guess what?—without preconditions."

MCCAIN: "Dr. Kissinger did not say that he would approve face-to-face meetings between the president of the United States and (Iranian President Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad. He did not say that. He said there could be secretary-level and lower-level meetings. I've always encouraged that."
THE FACTS: Obama was right that Kissinger called for meetings without preconditions. McCain was right that Kissinger did not call for such meetings to be between the two presidents.

In a foreign policy forum on Sept. 15, Kissinger said: "I am in favor of negotiating with Iran." He went on to say, "I actually have preferred doing it at the secretary of state level" and the U.S. should go into the talks with "a clear understanding of what is it we're trying to prevent. What is it going to do if we can't achieve what we're talking about? But I do not believe that we can make conditions for the opening of negotiations. We ought, however, to be very clear about the content of negotiations and work it out with other countries and with our own government."
Barry can't figure this preconditions thing out, can he? He can't even understand what Henry Kissinger, how's he supposed to understand difficult foreign matter? Either that, or Barry was intentionally misleading here.
OBAMA: "John, you want to give oil companies another $4 billion" in tax breaks.

THE FACTS: The $4 billion in tax breaks for the oil companies is simply part of McCain's overall corporate tax reduction plan and does not represent an additional tax benefit. In other words, the corporate tax reduction applies to all corporations, oil companies included. Both Obama and McCain have proposed eliminating oil and gas tax loopholes.
How is this a post partisan candidate? Seems to me that this is the same old politicas of derision that has been practiced forever. Why mislead the people? If your ideas are so wonderful, why mislead?
OBAMA: "We're also going to have to look at, how is it that we shredded so many regulations? We did not set up a 21st-century regulatory framework to deal with these problems. And that in part has to do with an economic philosophy that says that regulation is always bad."

THE FACTS: Some of the abuses that occurred stemmed from the 1999 repeal of a Depression-era law that separated banks from brokerages. In legislation supported by former President Clinton and Robert Rubin, now a top Obama adviser and treasury secretary in the Clinton administration, this separation was ended—allowing banks and insurance companies to sell securities.

But while regular banks were strictly regulated by the government, Wall Street banks and other non-bank institutions—many of the same institutions whose abuses led to the current crisis—were allowed to operate with less regulation.
The fact of the matter is, there is plenty of blame to go around, but the root cause was planted in 1977 and the Carter Administration. Forcing banks to lighten stringent lending policies to create low income home owners laid the foundations for this crisis. Clinton put Carter's bad ideas on steroids in the 90s, as always government is the problem, not the free market.
MCCAIN: "Sen. Obama twice said in debates he would sit down with Ahmadinejad, (Venezuelan President Hugo) Chavez and (Cuban President) Raul Castro without precondition."
OBAMA: "Now, understand what this means, 'without preconditions.' It doesn't mean that you invite them over for tea one day. ... There's a difference between preconditions and preparation. Of course we've got to do preparations, starting with low-level diplomatic talks, and it may not work, because Iran is a rogue regime."

THE FACTS: Obama was asked in a July 2007 debate whether he would be willing to meet "without precondition" with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Cuba and other countries the U.S. regards as rogue nations. Obama replied, "I would," adding that it was ridiculous to think that America is punishing such nations by refusing to speak with them. Time and again since then he has been forced to defend the statement, both by Democrats during the primaries and by Republicans.

Obama has tried to draw a distinction between a precondition and preparation. He has argued that he wouldn't demand that a foreign leader give in on some fundamental issue before the two sides met to discuss the dispute. But he has said "preparations" would require diplomatic contacts to gauge whether a formal meeting would be useful and to lay the groundwork for those talks.
"Preparations"? Barry is so dangerous.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Priest Accused of Selling Coke...From His Rectory!

Click the Title for Original Story

Look, innocent before being proved guilty...I don't even want to believe this one. I mean if you're down with the powder hows about leaving the priesthood? Doesn't the Catholic Church have enough PR problems to deal with as it is?

On a side note, check out that picture I found...that's what a kilo brick looks you can have a visual image when you hear about those drug raids on the news

Charlie Gibson is a Misinformed Douche...That's Right I Said It!

Click Title for Source Material

Source Credit - Charles Krauthammer
Washington Post
Is there anything wrong with tough questions? No. There is something wrong with unfairness though.
I beg anyone reading this to read the transcript or youtube Charles Gibson's first interview with Obama.
If you read the transcript, you will not find the constant challenging, the grilling, the accusations of "hubris" or examples of Mr. Gibson taking Obama's words out of context ( check Palin's "task from God" comments).
If you watch the video, you'll notice quickly that Gibson's posture is quite different. Gone is the condescending posture and lowered glasses and in its place you will see warm comfort. In my mind, Gibson went from respectable to hack over the course of these two interviews.
Gibson's "gotcha" moment on "The Bush Doctrine" has turned into Gibson's gaffe moment. I hand this blog over to The Washington Post and their respected columnist Charles Krauthammer.

""At times visibly nervous . . . Ms. Palin most visibly stumbled when she was asked by Mr. Gibson if she agreed with the Bush doctrine. Ms. Palin did not seem to know what he was talking about. Mr. Gibson, sounding like an impatient teacher, informed her that it meant the right of 'anticipatory self-defense.' "
-- New York Times, Sept. 12

Informed her? Rubbish.

The New York Times got it wrong. And Charlie Gibson got it wrong.

There is no single meaning of the Bush doctrine. In fact, there have been four distinct meanings, each one succeeding another over the eight years of this administration -- and the one Charlie Gibson cited is not the one in common usage today. It is utterly different.

He asked Palin, "Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?"

She responded, quite sensibly to a question that is ambiguous, "In what respect, Charlie?"

Sensing his "gotcha" moment, Gibson refused to tell her. After making her fish for the answer, Gibson grudgingly explained to the moose-hunting rube that the Bush doctrine "is that we have the right of anticipatory self-defense."


I know something about the subject because, as the Wikipedia entry on the Bush doctrine notes, I was the first to use the term. In the cover essay of the June 4, 2001, issue of the Weekly Standard entitled, "The Bush Doctrine: ABM, Kyoto, and the New American Unilateralism," I suggested that the Bush administration policies of unilaterally withdrawing from the ABM treaty and rejecting the Kyoto protocol, together with others, amounted to a radical change in foreign policy that should be called the Bush doctrine.

Then came 9/11, and that notion was immediately superseded by the advent of the war on terror. In his address to the joint session of Congress nine days after 9/11, President Bush declared: "Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime." This "with us or against us" policy regarding terror -- first deployed against Pakistan when Secretary of State Colin Powell gave President Musharraf that seven-point ultimatum to end support for the Taliban and support our attack on Afghanistan -- became the essence of the Bush doctrine.

Until Iraq. A year later, when the Iraq war was looming, Bush offered his major justification by enunciating a doctrine of preemptive war. This is the one Charlie Gibson thinks is the Bush doctrine.

It's not. It's the third in a series and was superseded by the fourth and current definition of the Bush doctrine, the most sweeping formulation of the Bush approach to foreign policy and the one that most clearly and distinctively defines the Bush years: the idea that the fundamental mission of American foreign policy is to spread democracy throughout the world. It was most dramatically enunciated in Bush's second inaugural address: "The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands. The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world."

This declaration of a sweeping, universal American freedom agenda was consciously meant to echo John Kennedy's pledge in his inaugural address that the United States "shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty." It draws also from the Truman doctrine of March 1947 and from Wilson's 14 points.

If I were in any public foreign policy debate today, and my adversary were to raise the Bush doctrine, both I and the audience would assume -- unless my interlocutor annotated the reference otherwise -- that he was speaking about the grandly proclaimed (and widely attacked) freedom agenda of the Bush administration.
Not the Gibson doctrine of preemption.

Not the "with us or against us" no-neutrality-is-permitted policy of the immediate post-9/11 days.

Not the unilateralism that characterized the pre-9/11 first year of the Bush administration.

Presidential doctrines are inherently malleable and difficult to define. The only fixed "doctrines" in American history are the Monroe and the Truman doctrines which come out of single presidential statements during administrations where there were few other contradictory or conflicting foreign policy crosscurrents.
Such is not the case with the Bush doctrine.

Yes, Sarah Palin didn't know what it is. But neither does Charlie Gibson. And at least she didn't pretend to know -- while he looked down his nose and over his glasses with weary disdain, sighing and "sounding like an impatient teacher," as the Times noted. In doing so, he captured perfectly the establishment snobbery and intellectual condescension that has characterized the chattering classes' reaction to the mother of five who presumes to play on their stage. "

It Would Appear That the McCain Computer Illiterate Ad Was a Mistake

Click on Title for Original Story

All Credit to Jonah Goldberg
So the Obama Campaign has decided to attack McCain's computer savvy, which in my view is unfair. McCain doesn't really need the world wide web in his life, but that's not the point. Read the following transcript from National Review:
"Wondering No More [Jonah Goldberg]
Yep. The day after 9/11, as part of its "get tough" makeover, the Obama campaign is mocking John McCain for not using a computer, without caring why he doesn't use a computer. From the AP story about the computer illiterate ad:

"Our economy wouldn't survive without the Internet, and cyber-security continues to represent one our most serious national security threats," [Obama spokesman Dan] Pfeiffer said. "It's extraordinary that someone who wants to be our president and our commander in chief doesn't know how to send an e-mail."

Well, I guess it depends on what you mean by "extraordinary." The reason he doesn't send email is that he can't use a keyboard because of the relentless beatings he received from the Viet Cong in service to our country. From the Boston Globe (March 4, 2000):

McCain gets emotional at the mention of military families needing food stamps or veterans lacking health care. The outrage comes from inside: McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. Friends marvel at McCain's encyclopedic knowledge of sports. He's an avid fan - Ted Williams is his hero - but he can't raise his arm above his shoulder to throw a baseball. "
yeah, well i guess obama's campaign should have googled this before making the ad...this is on Drudge and you will be hearing about it all weekend...huge gaffe.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Click title for original article.
MSNBC is removing Olbermann and Matthews from their anchor positions for coverage on political events including the debates and election night. Anchors shouldn't have opinions. We shouldn't know what they're thinking. Opinions are fine in other roles, but the flat out bias these two have is not acceptable in the role of anchor.

The Politics of the Verbal Slip

On a teleprompter Barack Obama is certainly a Superman. His kryptonite it would seem is speaking without a telprompter. Don't believe me? Google "Obama Gaffes" and find out for yourself.

But we as voters should never judge a candidate by verbal slip ups. What's important is the candidate's policy philosophy, not their inability to avoid embarrassing verbal mistakes. Lately the ravenous dogs of the blogosphere have decided to jump on Obama's latest slip:

"Sen. Barack Obama's foes seized Sunday upon a brief slip of the tongue, when the Democratic presidential nominee was outlining his Christianity but accidentally said, "my Muslim faith." "

Folks this is ridiculous! So he slipped, so what? These small issues don't belong in the political discussion. Playing a game of gotcha isn't going to help compare/contrast big fed vs. little fed, strong military vs. defense cuts, or high taxes vs. low taxes. All you do by highlighting things like this that don't matter is confuse the issue.

Is the free market dead?

i'm betting on palin

credit - - click on title for original story

Democrat White House nominee Barack Obama on Sunday offered to go one-on-one with Republican vice presidential pick Sarah Palin -- but only on the basketball court.

Obama, 47, who blows off steam on the campaign trail with games of pickup hoops, however joked that he wouldn't take on the Alaska governor -- and experienced hunter -- with a gun.

"She looks like she's got some game, she played in high school," Obama said of Palin's basketball talents on ABC "This Week."

"You know, I know she's a sharpshooter, and I know that -- I probably wouldn't do target practice with her.

"I think she'd be a better shot than me. But on the basketball court, I think I'd stand up pretty well."

Palin, 44, earned the nickname "Sarah Barracuda" for her fiery performances on her high school basketball team. She styles herself as a "hockey mom" and also says she enjoys moose hunting in her native state.
Who would you bet on?

Gary Coleman hits man with truck!


My beloved birds dominated the St. Louis Rams today. Desean Jackson is officially my new hero...the fucking kid looked awesome! Here's a story from the AP...I just don't think that I can provide my usual unbiased(j/k) commentary on this.

McNabb leads Eagles to rout over Rams

By ROB MAADDDI – 1 hour ago

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — This is what a healthy Donovan McNabb looks like.

McNabb threw for 361 yards and three touchdowns, rookie DeSean Jackson had an impressive debut and the Philadelphia Eagles routed the St. Louis Rams 38-3 on Sunday.

McNabb was 21-for-33, including a 90-yard TD pass to Hank Baskett. Jackson, the first Eagles rookie wide receiver to start the season opener in 18 years, had six catches for 106 yards and returned a punt 60 yards to set up a field goal.

Coming off their second last-place finish in three years, the Eagles played like a team that expects to make a championship run. The offense racked up 522 total yards and the defense was dominant.

The Rams, 3-13 last season, were downright awful again.

Marc Bulger didn't have much time to throw and Steven Jackson hardly had any room to run against Philadelphia's stifling defense. St. Louis had 109 total yards through three quarters.

McNabb, the five-time Pro Bowl quarterback, is starting a season healthier than he's been in years. He picked apart the Rams' secondary, spreading the ball around to a group of receivers that didn't seem to miss injured starters Kevin Curtis (sports hernia) and Reggie Brown (hamstring).

Greg Lewis had five receptions for 104 yards, Baskett caught two passes for 102 yards and each of the four wideouts had a catch longer than 30 yards. McNabb also tossed TD passes of 5 yards to L.J. Smith and 1 yard to Brian Westbrook.

McNabb hasn't played an injury-free season since leading the Eagles to the Super Bowl in 2004.

He missed the final seven games in '05 because of a sports hernia and sat out the last six games in '06 with a knee injury. McNabb started slow last season after returning quickly following surgery to repair a torn knee ligament. But he finished strong after ankle and thumb injuries cost him two games late in the season.

Right from the start, this was vintage McNabb minus the scrambling. He had plenty of zip on his passes and threw with pinpoint accuracy.

McNabb connected with Jackson for 47 yards down the right sideline on the second play from scrimmage. Jackson, generously listed at 5 feet 10, was perfectly covered by Tye Hill, but made a leaping catch to the Rams' 33. An unsportsmanlike penalty on St. Louis' sideline moved the ball to the 18.

Three plays later, Westbrook scored on a shovel pass for a 7-0 lead.

McNabb hit a wide-open Jason Avant for 31 yards to the St. Louis 31 on third-and-12 to keep the next drive going. Smith caught his TD pass in the back of the end zone to make it 14-0.

Pinned at their own 8 with less than two minutes left in the first half, the Eagles seemed content to run out the clock as Westbrook ran twice for only 2 yards. Then McNabb found Baskett streaking down the left side on third down. Baskett caught the ball in stride near the 40 and ran untouched the rest of the way to make it 21-0.

The Rams didn't pass midfield until late in the second quarter. Even that play didn't end well.

Steven Jackson took a crushing hit from Sheldon Brown after a 24-yard catch to the Eagles' 47. Brown knocked Jackson's helmet off with the hard blow to the head. But Jackson got right up and swung his dreadlocks around to show he was fine.

Killing Christianity


Can someone explain to me how anyone takes these morons seriously? Homophobia, hatred, intolorance, and gay bashing: Jesus would be proud. These morons really like to pick and chose what lessons they learned from the bible. When did Jesus ever judge anyone other than the money changers and establishment? Never. These fucking inbred rubes are killing christianity.

I also hate the fact that because i believe in a weaker federal government that I get lumped in with these idiots. The conservative movement needs to separate themselves from this hateful and ignorant shit.

Ice Man Melts!

Few gave underdog Rashad Evans a chance to defeat the ultra popular Chuck Liddell. Well Rashad proved a lot of people wrong last night with his electrifying knockout of the 38 year old UFC legend. After losing three out of his last four fights the 38 year old former champ must now decide his future. Many fans feel that the sport has evolved and the Liddell may be obsolete. Liddell became a legend by knocking out a string of one dimensional grapplers, but now the sport is littered with fighters who are better technical strikers and grapplers than the former 205 king.
Rashad Evans is now eyeing a title shot with Forrest Griffin while Liddell is pondering retirement.

Zogby has McCain with slight lead

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Democrat Party platform’s hidden Soros Slush Fund

Click Title for Article.

This is a great article by Michell Malkin that must be read to be believed. See what the Obama's are truly planning for our future!

Obama vs. Free Speech

Please Click Title for Original Article.

Okay, so I touched on this issue over at my myspace blog, but I'm no Michell Malkin. Click the title to read Michelle's well researched article about the Soviet like tactics being employed by the Obama camp.

McCain's Convention Bounce

The numbers are in, and it would seem that the Convention Bounce of John McCain will bring this race back to where it was before the DNC, dead even.

"Gallup Poll Daily tracking from Tuesday through Thursday finds Barack Obama with a four-percentage-point lead over John McCain in the presidential preferences of registered voters, 48 percent to 44 percent. While the difference between today's result and Thursday's 49 percent to 42 percent lead for Obama is not statistically significant, some of the broader shifts seen over the past 10 days, spanning both parties' national conventions, have been meaningful."

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows the beginning of John McCain's convention bounce and the race is essentially back where it was before Barack Obama's bounce. Obama now attracts 46 percent of the vote while McCain earns 45 percent. When 'leaners' are included, it's Obama 48 percent, McCain 46 percent."

"The presidential race between Barack Obama and John McCain is now even at 42 percent, according to a new CBS News poll conducted Monday-Wednesday of this week. Twelve percent are undecided, according to the poll, and one percent said they wouldn't vote. This is in contrast to a poll conducted last weekend, where the Obama-Biden ticket led McCain-Palin by eight points, 48 percent to 40 percent. McCain has also closed the enthusiasm gap some with Obama, but it still exists. Fifty-five percent of Obama's supporters are enthusiastic about their choice, and now so are 35 percent of McCain's. Last weekend, just 25 percent of McCain's supporters were enthusiastic about him, compared to 67 of Obama's supporters."

Palin's personal beliefs do not reflect policy

I'm so tired of folks wanting to pick a fight over what Palin personally believes...i don't give a fuck about what any candidate me the policy! here's an article that says it better than i could in this state of mind.
Palin has not pushed creation science as governor

By DAN JOLING – 3 days ago

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — As a candidate for governor, Sarah Palin called for teaching creationism alongside evolution in public schools. But after Alaska voters elected her, Palin, now Republican John McCain's presidential running mate, kept her campaign pledge to not push the idea in the schools.

As for her personal views on evolution, Palin has said, "I believe we have a creator." But she has not made clear whether her belief also allowed her to accept the theory of evolution as fact.

"I'm not going to pretend I know how all this came to be," she has been quoted as saying.

McCain said during a debate last year that he believed in evolution when it came to the origin of life.

When asked during a televised debate in 2006 about evolution and creationism, Palin said, according to the Anchorage Daily News: "Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. Healthy debate is so important, and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both."

In a subsequent interview with the Daily News, Palin said discussion of alternative views on the origins of life should be allowed in Alaska classrooms. "I don't think there should be a prohibition against debate if it comes up in class. It doesn't have to be part of the curriculum," she said.

"It's OK to let kids know that there are theories out there. They gain information just by being in a discussion."

Creationism is the belief that the Earth and its creatures were created by a deity. It's an alternative to the origin of life explanation taught in public schools under the theory of evolution, which puts forth that all living organisms descended from a common ancestral gene pool.

Palin said during her 2006 gubernatorial campaign that if she were elected, she would not push the state Board of Education to add creation-based alternatives to the state's required curriculum, or look for creationism advocates when she appointed board members.

At a GOP presidential debate in May 2007 in Simi Valley, Calif., McCain said he believed in evolution.

"But," he added, "I also believe, when I hike the Grand Canyon and see it at sunset, that the hand of God is there also."

Palin's children attend public schools and Palin has made no push to have creationism taught in them.

Neither have Palin's socially conservative personal views on issues like abortion and gay marriage been translated into policies during her 20 months as Alaska's chief executive. It reflects a hands-off attitude toward mixing government and religion by most Alaskans.

"She has basically ignored social issues, period," said Gregg Erickson, an economist and columnist for the Alaska Budget Report.

People want these morons in charge of healthcare?

Click the title for the story.

- excerpt from AP

"Now callers are getting their feathers ruffled over a typographical mix-up in a phone number that tells hunters where to call to buy their duck stamps.

The Duck stamps, which cost $15 a piece, are required to hunt migratory waterfowl in the United States.
The carrier card for the duck stamp transposes two numbers so, instead of listing 1-800-782-6724, it lists 1-800-872-6724.

The first number spells out 1-800-STAMP24, while the second number spells out 1-800-TRAMP24.

As a result, people calling a federal phone number to order duck stamps are greeted instead by a phone-sex line where they are enticed by a husky female voice to "talk only to the girls that turn you on," for $1.99 a minute. "

Allow me to me something that the government does well...go ahead. Hey, last time you went to the DMV, did you enjoy that experience? Was the service all that it could be? I can't think of a single service that government provides better than the private sector...not one. Yet liberals want these know nothing bureaucrats running healthcare. Life is pretty funny.

Handi-Capable. Wheelchair bound man robs 711....For Condoms!

Does Fire Plus Ice Equal Life? On Mars?

The Manager of Planet Earth's Greatest Fighter Comments on Couture's New UFC Deal

WAMMA Heavyweight Champion and former Pride Champion Fedor Emelianenko is without doubt the baddest human being alive. For the last year Fedor and UFC Heavyweight king Randy Couture have been trying to put together a fight to cement their legacies. Unfortunately, UFC President Dana White and his legal team have blocked the fight and succeeded in holding Randy Couture in legal limbo.
After a year of court battles and stagnation, Randy Couture gave in and agreed to new terms with the UFC. Now Couture is signed on to fight Brock Lesnar and Dana White, the child that he can sometimes be, is back to down talking the undisputed heavyweight king Fedor Emelianenko. Fedor's unwillingness to sign an exclusive contract with the UFC has kept the legendary Russian out of the Octagon and permanently on the mind of the foul mouthed UFC president. Now Fedor's manager reacts to the situation.

"M-1 Global president Vadim Finkelstein comments on the signing of the contract between UFC and Couture and reflects upon Dana White’s words about Affliction and Fedor Emelianenko.
I believe Randy knows what he’s doing. He’s an awesome athlete, one of the world’s best. I know he got tired of these endless litigation and uncertainty that arose after his resignation. UFC had Randy in the contractual trap so he had to choose an easier solution to the problem.
As for his potential bout with Fedor – all the MMA fans are eager to see this happen. The statements mister White still makes about Fedor alert me. It looks as if White is reluctant to let the best fighter in the world fight the UFC symbol. I’m afraid we’ll stumble upon the bricks of the UFC monopoly and the negotiations will lead nowhere. This fight the fans await might never materialize.
Randy has proved long time ago to be America’s number 1, he’s got nothing more to prove but this contract brings him back to the position where he has again to fight younger athletes in order to earn the right he’s already earned to face the best. Randy is a mature fighter and putting him to the test now and again seems not quite reasonable to me. Everyone wants to see Fedor vs. Randy. Apparently Dana plans to destroy Randy by signing him to three bouts. White believes that Couture won’t pass through the hard trial without loss so that eventually the champion will stay with the UFC. Randy is 45 and he defeated a lot of great adversaries but now he is set to face some upstart athlete who Dana intends to turn into the national star if he pulls the victory against the long-time hero. Fight is fight and anything can happen. All this reminds me of the Pride situation when the organization was bought out with the sole goal of completely destroying it.
That’s why it looks like there will be no Randy-Fedor fight ever although we are eager to make it happen, both fighters are eager to get it on.
Fedor is the number one fighter in the world and we always try to give him the bouts against the best opponents while all the statements of White doubting Fedor’s status are caused by the awareness of the fact that the power of the UFC in the world of MMA is not overwhelming. They can’t own every fighter they covet. UFC is very well-known and possesses lion’s share in MMA industry because of its history and popularity accumulated during the years that the organization exists.
In our turn we negotiate a long term collaboration with Affliction. We build a global project helping fighters from all over the world gain fame. That’s why we launched international M-1 Challenge. We want to organize huge events in order to promote MMA and make it popular in the whole world and not in the context of one particular country. We work hard on achieving the goals we set and time will tell whose path was right."
-credit M1 Mixfight

Friday, September 5, 2008


this is my favorite song right now! is it me or are all the best songs in commercials?

McCain wins ratings war!

Palin Pounces on Obama!

"Just last night Senator Obama finally broke and brought himself to admit what all the rest of us have known for quite some time, and that's: thanks to the skill and valor of our troops, the surge in Iraq has succeeded. Senator Obama said that the surge, quote, "succeeded beyond our wildest dreams. I think," said Senator Obama, "that the surge has succeeded in ways that nobody anticipated." I guess when you turn out to be profoundly wrong on a vital national security issue, maybe it's comforting to pretend that everyone else was wrong, too."

-Sarah Palin

While my opinions on this statement are pure gold, I do not have talent on loan from God. Let's hear what Rush has to say about this comment:

"This woman is dynamite! I mean, this woman is just hammering this poor little man-child! This woman is smart. What an analogy! It succeeded beyond anybodies wildest dreams? See, this is where Obama's dead wrong. If it succeeded beyond anybodies wildest dreams, why plan it? It succeeded as planned, Obama! It succeeded as planned. It was beyond YOUR wildest dreams. I'll tell you something else. He still said, after all this, that he would have opposed it. So he's still gathering. He's still gathering the little nuts and those acorns that make up the loony left of his base."

-Rush Limbaugh

Oprah Won't Have Palin On

Click the Title for Original Article
Drudge has the details, so i'm not going to bother, just click the title if you want the details..i've got oppinions burning holes in my head, so let's go there.
First - Oprah Winfrey has the right to decide who's on her show and who isn't. Talk Show hosts do not need to be unbiased, she can root for whomever she's not like she's a news anchor.
What I'm interested in is the business side of this. Oprah makes her money off of white women. Hillary voting white women who were already peeved at Oprah for not supporting the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants Suits. Now Oprah isn't giving credence to the first ever female Republican Vice Presidential candidate? Politically do what ever you want O, but as a business woman I think that you're screwing the pooch here. Women, regardless of their political beliefs are interested in Palin, and interested in seeing Palin get treated fairly...this is walking a tight line.

Hogan Facing Toughest Opponent Ever....His Spoiled Wife

Click the article for original document

The original document has all the numbers, but it says that Hogan is only worth a tad over 30 million bucks...I know, you're thinking "only?".

Remember all those big pay per views Hogan used to wrestle on? Well, he got a piece of the gate and ppv buys on all of them. He had a piece of all the you remember all the yellow t-shirts that man sold? His movies have all sucked, but he's been in a bunch of the question is, what the fuck is he spending all that money on? Well if his kids are as spoiled as the wife, I'd guess Hogan doesn't Know Best. This story makes me want to go get neutered.

Bible Belt Town Steals Business!

Click Title for original article

The good folks of Lavonia, Ga. have their priorities and their top priority was getting rid of the town's only strip club.

The town spent one million dollars, or a third of their budget, in an underhanded land swap so that they could effectively steal the business from its owners.

This summer, a mob led by the mayor tore down gaudy billboards advertising topless dancers, put plywood over glass doors bearing a nude silhouette and purged the awnings proclaiming the incendiary name of the club—Cafe Risque—in a diesel-fueled bonfire.

And how about spending a third of their budget for a strip club, is it worth it? Well Mayor Ralph Owens thinks so, and residents have been backing him up.

"We're in the Bible Belt," says Ron Walters, the owner of a downtown flower shop. "You just don't do things like that here."

OK - so let me opine here....WTF? Government officials decided that a law abiding business wasn't worthy of their morals so they decided to spend a third of their budget to steal this business from the owners. These people probably voted for Mike Huckabee during the primaries...Let me be clear, social conservatives are just as dangerous to our freedoms as liberals are. This is a clear case of Government abusing the individual and if anyone should be forming and angry mob, it should be us! Those of us that care about personal freedoms and civil DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO GO THROUGH LIFE WITHOUT BEING OFFENDED! This shit depresses the hell out of me.

Rangel's Rentals

Click the title for the original article.
So in case you didn't know, Charlie Rangel is one of the biggest political hacks that there is. Usually I don't care about these kinds of stories, but anything that hurts Charlie makes me smile, so I figured that I'd share.

"Rangel is Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.
The Complaint asks for a criminal investigation of Rangel following newspaper reports that he did not disclose rental income from his beachfront villa in the Dominican Republic resort of Punta Cana. The appearance that Rangel had not disclosed rent on his Financial Disclosure Forms was first reported by the New York Post on August 31, 2008.

On September 4, Rangel's attorney Lanny Davis confirmed that Rangel failed to report rental income of $75,000. "

$75,000...what a greedy moron!

Sarah Palin: it's go west, towards the future of conservatism

EU Taking Europe Down a Slippery Slope

-Source Telgraph

There is a reason I used that ad in this blog, it's because leftists, socialists and liberals like to take our freedoms away by targeting things that are hard to justify, as in tobacco, firearms, gory movies, naughty language, gangsta rap, death metal..."surely we must think of the children!!!"

And the leftist sheep follow along because they think that by doing so, they look like good people. Well, under this law those anti-fur campaigns get banned as well. Remember, the government that can ban the things that you don't like is also powerful enough to ban the stuff that you DO like. It's called FREEDOM! FREEDOM ISN'T SAFE! FREEDOM ISN'T GUARANTEED! FREEDOM CAN RESULT IN FAILURE! FREEDOM CAN RESULT IN HURT FEELINGS! But, I'll take freedom over safety from hurt feelings any day. I'll take freedom and failure over socialism and guaranteed mediocrity any day, and so should you!

This is why party loyalty on issues that truly don't matter is STUPID. There is one fucking issue that matters, Socialism vs. Freedom. That's it! All you fucking moron Right vs. Left Culture Warriors are the fucking're distracting America from what's truly important and both sides strengthen the hand of tyranny by their very short-sighted existence.

This election isn't about Jeremiah Wright, Abortion, Teenage Pregnancy, Associations, George Bush, or experience...this fucking election is about Big Powerful Socialist Government vs. Freedom!

Original Story:
MEPs want TV regulators in the EU to set guidelines which would see the end of anything deemed to portray women as sex objects or reinforce gender stereotypes.

This could potentially mean an end to attractive women advertising perfume, housewives in the kitchen or men doing DIY.

Such classic adverts as the Diet Coke commercial featuring the bare-chested builder, or Wonderbra's "Hello Boys" featuring model Eva Herzigova would have been banned.
The new rules come in a report by the EU's women's rights committee.

Swedish MEP Eva-Britt Svensson urged Britain and other members to use existing equality, sexism and discrimination laws to control advertising.
She wants regulatory bodies set up to monitor ads and introduce a "zero-tolerance" policy against "sexist insults or degrading images".

Ms Svensson said: "Gender stereotyping in advertising straitjackets women, men, girls and boys by restricting individuals to predetermined and artificial roles that are often degrading, humiliating and dumbed down for both sexes."

She added: "Gender stereotyping in advertising is one of several factors that have a big influence in efforts to make society more gender equal.

"When women and men are portrayed in a stereotypical way the consequence may be that it becomes difficult in other contexts to see women and men's resources and abilities."
The Advertising Standards Authority however had said there are already checks in place to prevent "discriminatory or harmful" material.

A spokesman said: "Although the ASA supports the overall objectives of the report... the approach suggested is inflexible and impractical."

Do you think sexist adverts should be banned?

The most watched woman on the, not oprah

The numbers are in for Palin's speech and despite being on four less channel than Barack Obama was on last week, Palin nearly matched the Junior Senator from Illinois' ratings!


FOXNEWS 9,038,000

NBC 7,720,000

CNN 6,114,000

ABC 5,050,000

CBS 4,630,000

MSNBC 3,277,000

The numbers also show that folks just don't wan their blatant bias from MSNBC, they'd prefer fair and balanced journalism from Fox. Look, if the rest of the media is blatantly liberal, doesn't it make sense from a business standpoint to go the opposite way? MSNBC's latest attempt at ratings by giving the channel over to Keith Olbermann isn't working, here's to hoping that the bespectacled, Bush bashing, Biased bonehead gets his walking papers in short order.

McCain Speech

I can't fathom any other Party National Convention where the top name of the ticket was so thoroughly upstaged by his running mate. John McCain and his speech were mere afterthoughts in the wake of Hurricane Sarah, but did McCain really need a big time speech?

Anyone that pays attention to these things knows that McCain, unlike Sen. Barack Obama, is at his best when he's NOT reading from a teleprompter. McCain is at his best at town hall meetings and debates (could be why Barack refused McCain's challenge to ten town hall debates). Unlike Palin and Obama, McCain has such a long history and wealth of experience that he didn't need to introduce himself to the public. McCain doesn't need the soaring rhetoric or perfect delivery of his young rival and even younger running mate, The Maverick can just point to his biography to let us know his qualifications. Overall McCain's speech may not have been the most inspiring, but it did what it needed to do, make a strong and convincing case that John McCain is the steadiest hand for guiding our nation over the next four years.

On a side note, McCain's 96 year old mother was in attendance, all of this hoopla over John McCain's age is ridiculous. If he has his mother's genes then McCain may out live me, and I'm 28!

hotel's anti soldier policy leads to injured soldier sleeping in car

-source material The Times

This may be one of the most sickening stories ever. How do you discriminate against those that live to serve? To some antiwar folks this might seem acceptable, which is starting to make me see that side of the argument for what it is...insane. Full story here:

A hotel that refused an injured soldier a room, forcing him to spend the night in his car, was backed into issuing a grovelling apology yesterday after receiving a barrage of abusive phone calls.

The Metro Hotel, in Woking, Surrey, called the police as its phone lines were flooded with angry and threatening calls from the public.

The attack on the switchboards came after it emerged that Corporal Tomos Stringer, 24, had been told that it was company policy not to accept members of the Armed Forces.
A soldier since the age of 16 and veteran of multiple tours in Northern Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan, Corporal Stringer had travelled to Surrey to help with funeral preparations for a friend killed in action.

The corporal, who was not in uniform, presented his warrant card when asked by the hotel for proof of identity. After being refused a room, he had to bed down in his car, with his wrist, broken during a convoy ambush, encased in plaster.

Corporal Stringer’s MP, Hywel Williams, Derek Twigg, the Defence Minister, and Bob Ainsworth, the Armed Forces Minister, have all written to the hotel. After a resolute silence, the hotel, owned by a company called American Amusements, finally issued a statement: “The Metro Hotel, Woking, sincerely regrets any upset caused towards Corporal Stringer and his family . . . The hotel management has always had an open-door policy to all its visitors and guests, including members of the military and Armed Forces.” The receptionist had made a mistake, it added.

Corporal Stringer, of 13 Air Assault Support Regiment, The Royal Logistic Corps, has returned to Afghanistan. His mother, Gaynor Stringer, from Criccieth, North Wales, told The Times: “I’m very, very angry. It’s discrimination. They would never get away with it if it was against someone of ethnic origin.”

She added: “In America, they treat soldiers as heroes. We went to Disney World with Tomos and the whole family was moved to the front of the lines. Everybody was clapping and cheering. Here, soldiers can’t even get a bed for the night"

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Having fun with voters and their reactions to the Palin Speech

-Note, I have borrowed the voter comments to Palin's speech from the Free Press, you can check out the original article here:

“Originally, I was a not too happy about McCain’s choice for a running mate, Sarah Palin … However, after her speech tonight I am beginning to see her in a different light. She seems like a real fighter, someone who would stick it to the lobbyist and special-interest groups that have run ramped in Washington. Her perspective between Obama and McCain was brilliant. … Palin hit it on the nail, the Democratic Party is about big government and high taxes. McCain has walked the walk on change while Obama has to date only talked the talk about change."

-Walter E. Capers, 41, Highland Republican

err, not to hate on Walt or anything, but this is kind of a simplistic view he puts forth....but hell, I agree with him!

Palin is a far better orator than McCain. But the tone of her speech is sarcastic, mean-spirited and divisive. Apparently, her role is to look good and throw out red meat for the base. …

Palin has repeated her lie about ‘saying no’ to the bridge from nowhere. Has she no shame?”

- James Melton, 45, Detroit Democrat

James baby, you really must not have been paying attention to Vice Presidents in your lifetime. The Vice President's main role during a campaign is to act as attack different from Joe Biden, and bless his heart and his hair plugs the little fella tries to look good.

The bridge to nowhere talking point is a nonstarter. When in a position where her opinion mattered she said, "No thanks". You see once you get that executive position you're privy to all of the facts that are out there, and once Palin got all the facts, she put her position in big bold letters, "No Thanks". After last night there is no reason to think that Sarah Palin is a moron and only a moron would lie about something that big...stop grasping for straws bud.

“Sarah Palin came out strong, confident, articulate, and she connected well. This was her introduction, and it went well. I am looking forward to the VP debate where she can continue to demonstrate how ready she is. She is going to give Biden a run for his money.”
- Jacki Shipley, 42, Plymouth Republican

Jacki understates this...Palin is more likable than Biden, the debate is hers to lose....period.

Palin delivered a good speech but I am not convinced she has the experience to carry her through tough debates with Biden or to be vice president. It was a well crafted and well written speech but given it was her big debut, I would not expect anything less from Republican speech writers. I believe the real test will come when she begins to answer tough questions and debates with Joe Biden.”
-- Aurora Torres, 27, Democrat

from a woman no less...geez...when is the last time anyone mentioned a male politician's speech writer? Every politician has speech writers, this is the most idiotic statement ever. Obama has less experience than Palin and he cleaned Biden's clock, in truth folks...Biden is weak and everyone will get to see it in October.

“Sarah Palin came across as the small town girl who made good. I knew that I disagreed with her on some issues before this evening. After listening to her speech … it appears that once she makes up her mind, that is the end of it. We live in a gray world, not every answer is black and white.”
-- Diane Murphy, 42, Sterling Heights independent

I guess that's why you claim to be independent...well you have the luxury of being in a grey world, but those with responsibilities need to be decisive even when the choices in front of them are shades of grey. Children get to sit on the fence, leaders make up their minds.

“Watching Sarah Palin's speech tonight put a smile on my face. She was humorous when appropriate and cleared up some misconceptions that I had made of her. She does seem to have the knowledge of America's problems today, but I think she needed to put more emphasis on the issues of the present rather than what has already been accomplished. ... Overall, she is for sure going to make this election more interesting and I look forward to what the next couple months bring.”
-- Nicole Perry, 34, Wyandotte Democrat

Nicole seems like a fair minded individual, if only she knew what the purpose of a convention really is...Ms. Perry, she had to talk about the past to prove to democrats that she in fact had a past.

“I was completely underwhelmed. She was a Republican novelty act with a sophomoric script. It was not even a speech I would expect for a someone running for the local PTA, much less for vice president.”
-- George Lentz, 66, Southfield independent

another genius "independent"...George, why is she a novelty act? I know that back in your day the "broads" knew their place, but welcome to 2008. Sarah Palin is an accomplished Governor, not a novelty act.

“Who is Sarah Palin? I'm sorry but I still don't know anymore about this young lady tonight than I did last night ... The way it looks to me, she's the Republican vice presidential nominee for one reason: because Hillary wasn't selected.”
-- Mike Kosh, 38, West Bloomfield independent

Can we just state one fundamental fact here? We can? Thanks! Independents fall into three areas, 1. fucking liars! Independent my ass! most of these folks are frauds. 2. Morons! You know, the type that don't pay attention enough to know the fundamental differences between the parties. 3. Honest to God Independents...folks that pay attention, follow the issues and simply have different priorities than either far I haven't seen any Honest to God independents interviewed for this piece.

"Sarah Palin is a self-described ‘pitbull with lipstick.’ She spent little time helping Americans learn who she is. She is a cool, poised speaker, but her speech contained few statements about policy or the party platform. … I am not convinced that Palin's experience as a mayor or governor in Alaska meet the qualifications to be vice president much less one stroke or heart attack away from being commander in chief.”
-- Ilene Beninson, 52, Berkley independent

Ilene, one question...What in Obama's experience tells you that he is ready to be the President? The fucking guy suggested that the UN deal with Russia...fuckin' Russia has a Veto in the see where I'm going here?

-So there you have it...I wonder whom that particular paper is endorsing? Aren't we used to bias in the media by now? Please America, if you're not an independent, don't call yourself one.

Both Sides Need to Shut UP!

I've had it up to here (holds hand all the way up) with hearing liberal commentators use Bristol Palin's pregnancy as an example of why sex education needs to be taught in school. Hey geniuses, just because your mom is against sex ed. (in theory, in practice Palin had NEVER signed or pushed for any legislation that would ban sex ed), doesn't mean that you've never took sexual education.

Bristol Palin went to public school. Bristol was attending public school when she met her fiancee Levi, Bristol was not sheltered. If anything this weakens the case of the sex ed. champions, one could reasonably argue that perhaps Bristol would have chosen abstinence had her only influence been her parents. But never allow common sense to get in the way of an agenda.

But the title of this piece is "BOTH SIDES Need to Shut Up." I am equally as fed up with the religious right trying to hold up baby Trig as a reason to further their pro life agenda. The fact of the matter is this, the choice that you people laud, wouldn't be available if it weren't for Roe v. Wade.

I may come off here as being anti-sex ed. and pro abortion, but I'm not. I'm just tired of the little stuff being turned into big stuff. I'm exhausted at the notion that every detail of this family's life is being turned into a political debate. I'm terrified that the "Culture Wars" may make a comeback. As a Goldwater conservative, I don't necessarily understand what these issues have to do with smaller government, less taxes, less regulations and stronger military. Both sides seem to want to distract America from the issues that matter in an attempt at tricking the uneducated to vote for their side.

Sarah Palin may be a leader in the Republican party for the next 16 years, hopefully we'll be able to follow her career instead of her family's upbringing.

Grand Slam!

After nearly a week of personal attacks, sexist statements, rumors of scandals and assaults on her family, Sarah Palin gave the speech of her life. I'm a Reagan baby, born in 1980, so I never really had the thrill of watching the man in action. Last night Ronaldus Maximus must have been smiling from heaven as a new leader for his beloved conservative movement was born.

To borrow a line from MSLSD's Chris Mathews, I felt a tingling sensation coming up my leg as I watched one of the greatest political speeches given in this generation. I was moved by her and her family's unflinching bravery in the face of vicious attacks.

"Our family has the same ups and downs as any other ... the same challenges and the same joys. Sometimes even the greatest joys bring challenge."

-Sarah Palin

I don't know many people that can't relate to this narrative. I've never met the perfect family, and the Palin's aren't perfect, but they stand by each other through thick and thin.

Sarah Palin came off as a warm and loving maternal figure, but she wasn't soft. She showed that she was more than qualified to take on the traditional role of the Vice Presidential candidate, attack dog.

"Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska, I was mayor of my hometown.

And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves.

I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "community organizer," except that you have actual responsibilities. I might add that in small towns, we don't quite know what to make of a candidate who lavishes praise on working people when they are listening, and then talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns when those people aren't listening.

We tend to prefer candidates who don't talk about us one way in Scranton and another way in San Francisco."

-Sarah Palin

This line may have been the most successful line of the season, as Obama had fumbled the ball during the Pennsylvania primary, unfortunately for Hillary supporters, their candidate did not recover that fumble. Palin picked it up and scored a touchdown.

The best part of the night was watching the biased left wingers on CNN and MSNBC reacting to the speech. They all had this gaze that appeared to be similiar to post traumatic stress. They had been punched in the gut and didn't know quite how to react.

Harry Reid called her "shrill", which is a word that I've never heard used to describe a man. Liberal commentators gave us the Earth shattering news that she didn't pen the speech herself, as if any politician actually writes their own speeches. CNN's Candy Crowley implied that women aren't allowed to attack men, and that Palin's attacks wouldn't work.

I'd say that if anything, the dems that overlooked Palin are feeling a little silly and a little sore, and the once divided conservative electorate is feeling revitalized. That my friends is a homerun in any ballpark.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Obama vs. Palin/Newt vs. MSNBC

Newt Gingrich destroys the Democratic talking point concerning Palin's experience. It would appear that MSNBC sent a lamb to interview a lion, which was stupid. The fact of the matter here is that Newt Gingrich is one of the best and most effective speakers that conservatives have.

Who Will Unify?

Let's look at the facts, Barack Obama has voted with his party 97% of the time, his idea of unity isn't reachng across party lines in the way that McCain has, but instead barreling democratic ideas down the throats of conservatives. McCain has a proven track record of reaching across the aisle and working with the likes of Lieberman, Feingold and Kennedy, Obama has a track record of voting for whatever his party wants. If I hear the word unity in association with the ultra partisan Obama again I may vomit.

Let's take a look at what the former VP candidate from the democratic party has to say:

"Sen. Obama is a gifted and eloquent young man who can do great things for our country in the years ahead," Lieberman said in prepared remarks. "But eloquence is no substitute for a record — not in these tough times."

The Connecticut lawmaker, who sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004, argued that Obama has not reached across party lines to achieve anything of significance and has been unwilling to take on Democratic interest groups.

In a clear appeal for backers of Obama's former rival Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Lieberman said, "Contrast that to John McCain's record, or the record of the last Democratic president, Bill Clinton, who stood up to some of those same Democratic interest groups and worked with Republicans to get important things done like welfare reform, free trade agreements, and a balanced budget."

-Credit AP

Anderson Cooper Gets it Right!

If you're my age, then there is no doubt you remember a young Anderson Cooper filing reports from around the world on Channel 1. Channel 1 was the school's attempt at teaching us kids about current events, but other than Anderson Cooper, nothing really stood out. It was wild the first time that I saw a grey-haired Anderson as the anchor for CNN, and while I rarely agree with Anderson's views, I respect the hell out of him for not letting his biases cloud his commentary. Here is an example from Anderson Cooper 360, as Mr. Cooper fights off an incredibly unfair attack on Governer Palin:

PHILLIPS: Can she be a mom and have five children and keep care of that home and also be the vice president of the United States?

COOPER: It's interesting that you hear people saying, "Well, can she care for her family and her children and also be vice president?" You never hear those questions being asked about a man, I mean I don't know if this is sexist or simply a double standard, but I have yet to hear Barack Obama asked, "Well, can you be a father, take care of your family and also be president of the United States?"

Bravo Mr. Cooper! It is so unfair to attack working mothers and it is so refreshing to see someone in the media completely forget about party lines and inject some fairness into this discussion