Friday, September 5, 2008

Bible Belt Town Steals Business!

Click Title for original article

The good folks of Lavonia, Ga. have their priorities and their top priority was getting rid of the town's only strip club.

The town spent one million dollars, or a third of their budget, in an underhanded land swap so that they could effectively steal the business from its owners.

This summer, a mob led by the mayor tore down gaudy billboards advertising topless dancers, put plywood over glass doors bearing a nude silhouette and purged the awnings proclaiming the incendiary name of the club—Cafe Risque—in a diesel-fueled bonfire.

And how about spending a third of their budget for a strip club, is it worth it? Well Mayor Ralph Owens thinks so, and residents have been backing him up.

"We're in the Bible Belt," says Ron Walters, the owner of a downtown flower shop. "You just don't do things like that here."

OK - so let me opine here....WTF? Government officials decided that a law abiding business wasn't worthy of their morals so they decided to spend a third of their budget to steal this business from the owners. These people probably voted for Mike Huckabee during the primaries...Let me be clear, social conservatives are just as dangerous to our freedoms as liberals are. This is a clear case of Government abusing the individual and if anyone should be forming and angry mob, it should be us! Those of us that care about personal freedoms and civil DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO GO THROUGH LIFE WITHOUT BEING OFFENDED! This shit depresses the hell out of me.

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