Friday, September 5, 2008

Oprah Won't Have Palin On

Click the Title for Original Article
Drudge has the details, so i'm not going to bother, just click the title if you want the details..i've got oppinions burning holes in my head, so let's go there.
First - Oprah Winfrey has the right to decide who's on her show and who isn't. Talk Show hosts do not need to be unbiased, she can root for whomever she's not like she's a news anchor.
What I'm interested in is the business side of this. Oprah makes her money off of white women. Hillary voting white women who were already peeved at Oprah for not supporting the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants Suits. Now Oprah isn't giving credence to the first ever female Republican Vice Presidential candidate? Politically do what ever you want O, but as a business woman I think that you're screwing the pooch here. Women, regardless of their political beliefs are interested in Palin, and interested in seeing Palin get treated fairly...this is walking a tight line.

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