Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Politics of the Verbal Slip

On a teleprompter Barack Obama is certainly a Superman. His kryptonite it would seem is speaking without a telprompter. Don't believe me? Google "Obama Gaffes" and find out for yourself.

But we as voters should never judge a candidate by verbal slip ups. What's important is the candidate's policy philosophy, not their inability to avoid embarrassing verbal mistakes. Lately the ravenous dogs of the blogosphere have decided to jump on Obama's latest slip:

"Sen. Barack Obama's foes seized Sunday upon a brief slip of the tongue, when the Democratic presidential nominee was outlining his Christianity but accidentally said, "my Muslim faith." "

Folks this is ridiculous! So he slipped, so what? These small issues don't belong in the political discussion. Playing a game of gotcha isn't going to help compare/contrast big fed vs. little fed, strong military vs. defense cuts, or high taxes vs. low taxes. All you do by highlighting things like this that don't matter is confuse the issue.

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